End-User License Agreement

By using the Befitment app, you agree that you have read, understood the User Agreement and the related Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Safety, privacy and assurance are foundations of Befitment, and we seek to ensure that all users are ensured confidence and protection when using this service. We will foster and maintain a community that supports the love for wellbeing, enlightenment, and wisdom. As a result, we have introduced our User Agreement, which seek to balance use, expression and safety to ensure the best possible experience for everyone.

Essentially the BE app functions as a developmental tool and as the community further develops it is necessary to set expectations for the behavior of users. These guidelines outline what behavior is and is not allowed on our service and apply to all content on our service with specific focus on user profile pics and chats, whispers, and accounts. Although most users can utilize the service anonymously when we discover a violation of the User Agreement, we shall act accordingly.

Particularly, the Chat can be an excellent medium to solicit advice anonymously and benefit from the experience of others. Feel free to participate in any ongoing conversation. For the benefit of all, please observe the following:

Please read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The upload of any nudity, derogatory or offensive content as your user profile pic is strictly prohibited.

No graphic, image, logo, sample music and media file from this web-app may be copied or retransmitted without prior express written permission from Befitment Limited.

Do not challenge or attack others in the Chat. The discussions are meant to stimulate conversation, not to create contention. Please be respectful of the views and opinions of others.

Do not post commercial messages without the consent of Befitment Limited.

All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, harassment, bullying, offensive, and/ or illegal subject materials are strictly prohibited from being stated or posted.

All users have the right to reproduce postings to this forum in accordance with the Terms of Use.

Do state concisely and clearly your comments in the Chat. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting.

Do send a message to the Chat when it contains information that can benefit everyone.

Copyright © Befitment Limited. All rights reserved